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The Sackler Center for Computational Molecular and Materials Science at Tel Aviv University is now receiving applications for two prestigious postdoctoral positions. Postdoctoral fellows are expected to perform leading-edge computational research focusing on the chemistry and physics of complex systems and to interact with at least one, but preferably more of the research groups associated with the center. Applicants should have recently completed their PhD thesis in a relevant field, in an academic institute outside Israel, or expect to complete it by March 2026. Candidates already at Tel Aviv University or who have performed research at Tel Aviv University may not be considered. Postdoctoral fellows joining the center are expected to start after May 2025. They will enjoy a two-year appointment with Tel Aviv University's highest fellowship, plus relocation expenses (including arrival flights and if needed, temporary housing). A personal allowance of 2000 USD/year will be given for travel expenses to conferences.

Applications should complete the form on this page and then send a single PDF directly to containing:
- A cover letter.
- Curriculum vitae including a list of publications.
- A short research statement describing achievements so far as well as plans for future research.

In addition, three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to
- From the applicant’s PhD advisor.
- From an established scientist who has personal acquaintance with the applicant.
- From an established scientist who has personal acquaintance with the applicant and is not from the institute where the applicant completed her/his PhD.

Review of applications will continue until the positions are filled. For primary consideration, applicants are encouraged to apply before February 1, 2025.

Contact Us

The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Center for
Computational Molecular and Materials Science
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel

30 Haim Levanon st., Ramat Aviv

Tel Aviv 69978

Thanks for submitting!

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